Overtones and emotions
= barbershop!

Kristina Lejon leads a workshop where the goal is to let you experience the enchantment of barbershop.

“We sing four-part music with a flow and matches both resonance space and vowels – something that results in a unique type of collective voice. We also work with intonation based on a so-called Pythagorean tuning system, which creates overtones (i.e. tones that are formed although no one sings them) that will ring out in the room.

Of course we also work with the body. We express what we are singing using both our bodies and our faces. In barbershop this is a necessity. And I also promise that it will be great fun!”

Since Barbershop normally is performed by same-sex quartets or choirs, Kristina will give one workshop for women and one for men.

Kristina Lejon is Master Director in Sweet Adelines International and conductor of the Umeå-based female choir Snowflake Singers.